Boston Qualifier Questionnaire Art

Data Analysis of the Boston Qualifier Questionnaire Part I: Overview

About five years ago, I started asking random strangers on the internet how they qualified for the Boston Marathon. Incredibly, over 125 people have responded with more coming in all the time. If you want to take part, fill out the online form here. 

Since the beginning, people have been asking that the information be put into a format which would allow them to look at the information in the aggregate.

OK, well, here it is. – the Boston Qualifier Questionnaire Spreadsheet.

At this link you will find all the responses to the questionnaire in what I hope is an easily usable format*. From here on out, I’ll be updating this with new responses, and additional data, so check back regularly if this is your kind of thing. If you want to see all the individual responses, they’re here.

Below I provide some basic info gleaned from the results. However, I’m not statistician. Indeed, I was once told to not pursue a masters in economics because my math skills are so poor. So, I’d be curious to see what others can do with the information and would be appreciative of anyone who catches errors. If you plan to use the information in the spreadsheet for any project, please credit Please contact me at if you plan to feature a particular runner’s story.

The Vitals.

I asked participants in the survey for some basic biological facts, including their height and weight. Runners came in all shapes and sizes from huge, like Michael H, to small, like Laura S. With the variety of body types, it’s helpful to look at this visually:

BQQ weight height (all)

Height chart

If we can generalize, however, BQ runners tend to be lighter (for their height) than the average American and slightly shorter.

The average weight for male respondents was 157 pounds. The average height, 5’8”. For comparison, the average American male is (allegedly, these statistics may be inaccurate) two inches taller (5’10) thirty three pounds heavier (190 pounds).

The story is similar for women — remarkably so in the weight differential. The average respondent is roughly 5’4” and weighs 125.4 pounds. By comparison, the average American woman is one inch taller (5’ 5”), and weighs about 33 pounds more (159 pounds).

On a personal note, I’m six feet tall and currently weigh about 175 pounds. That puts me about fifteen pounds heavier than the average six foot respondent. Clearly, I have work to do on the weight front.


Alright, enough height and weight. Let’s get down to what really matters — the training.

Years spent running, ands total lifetime mileage, vary widely and are probably best represented visually:

years v mileage

As you can see, most runners had been running for less than six years before they first qualified, and had run less than ten thousand miles when they qualified. Of course, there are outliers, like pro-runner Sage Canady, who’d been running a relatively short amount of time, but racked up some serious miles, or John who’d been running for over twenty years before he qualified.

For mileage in the year before the race, there appears to be a fair amount of consistency across the responses. Almost no runners ran under 1,000 miles, and few ran above 2,500. The average is the difficult, but not unreasonable, standard of 1,750 miles.

On a personal note, the only year I ran that much was the year I set my marathon PR. Clearly, mileage matters.

No surprise that for most of us, it takes more than miles to qualify. The vast majority (84% of those who answered the question) say that speed work played a role. I’ll get into what kind of speed work people used in this post.

speed work

While the vast majority of respondents used speed work in their training, the majority of runners (about 60%) didn’t use a canned program. I get into a bit more detail regarding training plans in this post. 

canned program

Similarly, the majority (64%) of runners didn’t run with a coach or club, nor did they engage in cross training.For the 43% who did cross train, I get into what type of exercise they used in this post.

cross training

Finally, when I started doing this, I wondered if there was a correlation between a background in running, such as those afforded by high school and college teams, and getting a BQ. As this is still a small, and self-selected group, it’s hard to know. But what we do know is that the majority (63%) of respondents did not run either in college or high school.

run in college

Some quick takeaways.

What can we take away from these results? Here are some initial thoughts, most of which are obvious. I’ll be curious to hear your thoughts in the comments.

  • You need to put in the miles – very, very few of the respondents did this on low mileage.
  • You need to do speed work – similarly, the vast majority of runners utilized some form of speed work.
  • People with lots of different body weights and compositions can BQ, but Boston Marathon Qualifiers tends to be lighter than the average American.
  • Getting a BQ happened to most respondents early in their running lives, usually after having run only for five or so years, and less than 10,000 miles.

There’s a lot more to mine in this data, and as the data base grows, I hope the results become more representative of the variety of people who’ve run a BQ. I’ll be doing some additional crunching of the numbers in the days to come. If you do some crunching of your own, get in touch so I can share the results.

A note on the data

The spreadsheet collects data self-reported by runners who answered the Boston Qualifier Questionnaire. Respondents were asked to tell us about their first BQ. Many of these runners likely BQ’ed again later in their running career. In cases where respondents did not answer a question, I left it blank. In cases where respondents gave a range for an answer, I picked the middle point (i.e. if a runner said they ran between 1,500 and 2,000 miles in a year, I picked 1,750).

Additionally, it’s important to remember that this is a self-selecting group of runners. The majority of respondents to the survey found out about it through an internet forum or article online. They skew young (over a third of the respondents are 30 or under) and the vast majority of respondents (in fact, 75%) are men.

If you see any errors, please get in touch:

Thanks: I’d like to give an enormous thank you to Jon W, my pal Matt T, and BQ(Q) contributor and legit math genius Bob H for their help in putting this together. I absolutely could not have done this without them.


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  1. Alex

    A few months ago I wrote an article about world record running statistics. You might find it interesting.

    1. seanv2

      Very interesting, thanks for sharing! I’d be curious to hear your thoughts on what else we could do with the BQ data!

      1. Alex

        Well, you have all those nice columns of data. I would make a scatter plot of every variable vs every other variable and see which ones look correlated. Do lighter people typically run less mileage? I don’t know!

      2. seanv2

        Thanks, Alex. Unfortunately, I am a lawyer with no idea how to do that. Guess its time to figure it out!

  2. A Programing Note: 100,000 hits | Milo and the Calf

    […] Data Analysis of Boston Qualifier Questionnaire Part I: Overview […]

  3. seanv2

    There are some thoughtful conversations going on about this on FB and in other places, I am copying those conversations here so all critiques and edits are centralized. Here’s one from FB:

    Stephanie T: Though I’m going to challenge the claim that “it pays to be light” and argue instead that people who run are a self-selecting group who happen to be lighter (due to exercise for sure) than average. You would need to plot weight (with constant height) against finish time in order to draw the first conclusion, I think. Signed, slightly larger runner. (Though my god, I did not know that statistic about the average American female!)

    Seanv2: I am going to add this as a comment on milo, if you don’t mind, since I’d like to have everyone’s thoughts centralized. Perhaps “it pays to be light” was poor phrasing. My point was, it appears to be easier to qualify for Boston if you are lighter than the average American.

    ETA: of course this is also a small, self selected sample size.

    Stephanie T: No problem moving it over as a comment. But I think all that the data shows is that “Boston qualifiers tend to be lighter than the average American.”

    Seanv2: Tuerk that’s a good edit, I made it in the post.

  4. Data Analysis of the Boston Qualfier Questionnaire Part II: Training Programs | Milo and the Calf

    […] ← Data Analysis of the Boston Qualifier Questionnaire Part I: Overview […]

  5. Data Analysis of Boston Qualifier Questionnaire Part IV: Crosstraining | Milo and the Calf

    […] For futher analysis of the respondents to the survey, check out this page.  […]

  6. The BQ(Q) – Eric L | Milo and the Calf

    […] Like the boston stories? A complete archive is here. My post analyzing the data is here.  […]

  7. The BQ(Q) Data Analysis Posts | Milo and the Calf

    […] Data Analysis of the Boston Qualifier Questionnaire Part 1: Overview […]

  8. Top Ten Posts of 2016 | Milo and the Calf

    […] Data Analysis of the Boston Qualifier Questionnaire — this year for the first time, I did a bit of basic data analysis of the results of the BQ(Q) survey. It was by far the most popular post of the year garnering almost 10,000 hits. […]

  9. Joe

    I just glanced at the data and it appears females have ~60% of the typical mileage on their first BQ? Does that seem about right? Would be happy to plot this for you if I could have access to the data.

    1. seanv2

      I haven’t run the numbers for that, but it could be true. All the data is available here:

  10. Back In The Saddle (And Top Posts for 2017) | Milo and the Calf

    […] Data Analysis of the Boston Qualifier Questionnaire – my analysis of the data on how you get a […]

  11. Milo and the Calf Hits 250,000: Top 25 Post and Pages | Milo and the Calf

    […] Data Analysis of the Boston Qualifier Questionnaire […]

  12. Markus

    I am puzzled by the sudden decrease of people with a hight of >74 inches. There are hardly any tall runners! The normal average height of American men is 70 inches, but the average height of Dutch men is 72 inches. Is this sudden decrease of tall men in BQ explained by the concomittant weight only? Or is there any other explanation, like geometry etc? E.g. in Tennis tall men are clearly in the majority!

    1. seanv2

      At the very elite level, height definitely matters for weight, plus length of legs (and leg turn over) and general surface area that needs to be cooled. You’ll note that most Olympians at the marathon distance are significantly below average in height. At the BQ level, that’s all less important, but I think all other things being equal, the math still says it’s easy for a hobby jogger below six feet to get a BQ than it is for someone above six feet.

  13. Milo Hits 300,000 Views: Top 30 Posts And Pages | Milo and the Calf

    […] Data Analysis of the Boston Qualifier Questionnaire […]

  14. How to Qualify for the Boston Marathon – The Runner's Route

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